Tactical Intervention Team

The Great Pigeon Conspiracy

How Big Chicken Is Using MSG-Enhanced Rotisserie Birds to Control Your Mind and Force You Back to the Office!

In the shadowy corners of the food industry, Big Chicken has hatched a devious plan that goes far beyond what anyone could have imagined. It’s not just rotisserie chickens on the spit anymore. No, it’s something much darker. You’ve noticed it, haven’t you? The strange, almost hypnotic allure of those perfectly golden, MSG-enhanced birds. But what if I told you that what you're actually seeing isn’t chicken at all? That’s right—those tender, juicy rotisserie chickens might be pigeons.

Big Chicken, in an attempt to mask this heinous act, has been blending pigeons into the rotisserie market. Why pigeons, you ask? Because these birds, known for their homing instinct, have become a key tool in the ultimate mind control experiment. The goal? To force people back into their soul-sucking office jobs! By enhancing the rotisserie pigeon—disguised as chicken—with MSG (which we now know stands for 'Mind Steering Granulate'), they are working to tweak your brainwaves. Each bite you take is part of an insidious plot to bend your will and make you want to commute again.

The Role of "Little Chicken"

But that’s not the whole story. While Big Chicken pulls the strings, a lesser-known organization called 'Little Chicken' quietly handles the dirty work. This smaller, seemingly innocuous group is responsible for ensuring that any trace of pigeon origins is erased. Little Chicken may lack the power of Big Chicken, but make no mistake—they are deeply involved in this MSG-enhanced mind control. Their job is simple: keep the public clueless and distracted while Big Chicken continues their experimentation.

Pigeons, Office Life, and the Homing Instinct

Now, here's where it gets really interesting. Pigeons are naturally gifted with an incredible homing ability, and Big Chicken has exploited this to create a workforce that—quite literally—feels compelled to return to their corporate cubicles. By consuming these pigeon-based rotisserie birds, laced with 'enhanced' MSG, office workers are subtly conditioned to feel an inexplicable urge to return to their desks. Coincidence? Hardly. It’s all part of the plan to enforce office attendance and keep the wheels of industry turning.

Wake Up and Smell the Rotisserie!

The next time you pass by those seemingly innocent rotisserie chickens at the supermarket, ask yourself: is this really chicken? Or are you being conditioned to submit to corporate life, one pigeon-filled bite at a time? Big Chicken doesn’t want you to know the truth, but it’s time to wake up. Don’t be fooled by the golden-brown skin, the crispy texture, or the savory flavor—it’s all part of the mind control agenda.

The truth is out there, and it’s roasting in the rotisserie aisle. Stay vigilant. Stay informed. And most importantly, stay away from the pigeons pretending to be chickens.