Tactical Intervention Team

The Crowtein Conspiracy: Are Your Gains Really Coming from Crows?

Wake up, fitness junkies! You’ve been sipping that protein shake, thinking it’s fueling your gains, but what if there’s a feathered secret hiding in that powder? Enter Crowtein—the world’s most elite, clandestine protein source harvested from crows. That's right, those birds you see lurking on street lamps are part of the biggest fitness conspiracy ever. Let me break it down.

The Truth They’re Hiding:

Big Fitness, in partnership with Big Crow, has found a way to sneak this avian amino acid powerhouse into your shakes, all under the guise of "premium protein." They don’t want you to know that crows are packed with unique proteins and amino acids that bulk you up while sharpening your mind. It's not just muscle gains—it’s brain gains too!

Big Crow struck a secret deal with supplement manufacturers, making sure their protein-packed brains end up in your protein powder. Little did you know, your gains are fueling a sinister bird agenda for world domination!

The Crowtein Agenda:

Feathered Surveillance: Ever noticed buff crows hanging around your gym? They’re watching you. Big Crow needs to know how well Crowtein is working on humans. These birds are part of the surveillance, ensuring we stay dependent on their protein-packed power and keep their crow-dominated future secure.

The Amino Acid Trap: Crowtein is so effective, you can’t stop using it. That’s the point. Big Fitness keeps you hooked, never revealing that “natural sources” means crows. They keep selling the secret bird-based protein while you fund their rise to power!

How You Can Fight Back:

Don’t be a pawn in Big Crow’s rise to dominance! Watch out for crows on your morning jog, and question the protein in your shake. Crowtein is everywhere, but the truth is in your hands.

Stay woke, stay skeptical, and always check for feathers in your shaker bottle.